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The Rise and Dawn of New Social Media Platforms: Impact on Influencer Marketing and the Challenge of Decreased Consumer Interest

The Rise and Dawn of New Social Media Platforms: Impact on Influencer Marketing and the Challenge of Decreased Consumer Interest


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for brands to engage with their target audience effectively. As social media gains popularity and traditional advertising becomes less impactful, the role of influencers in product recommendations and reviews has become increasingly significant. To leverage the potential of influencer marketing, businesses are seeking innovative platforms that harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to identify and collaborate with the most suitable influencers. Among these platforms, AdHub stands out as a leading solution that facilitates seamless collaboration between advertisers and influencers on YouTube and Twitch while empowering content creators to monetise their channels through meaningful partnerships.

The Power of Influencer Marketing and Social Commerce

Influencer marketing has proven to be a powerful approach for brands seeking to drive online engagement and boost sales. Brands have been partnering with influencers to promote products or services, capitalizing on their significant social media following and the trust they have built with their audience. The presence of influencers on popular social media channels has grown, providing new opportunities for brands to connect with their target consumers.


The Impact of TikTok on Social Media Marketing

TikTok has emerged as a significant player in the social media landscape. It has consistently been at the forefront of innovation, introducing new features and capabilities to maintain its dominance. TikTok's aspiration goes beyond just being the top social network for marketers; it aims to become a "super app" that encompasses various functions, from social media and messaging to services and payments. Its relentless expansion into both the digital and non-digital realms suggests it is determined to challenge even established players like Amazon in the e-commerce business.


Tackling the Challenge of Decreased Consumer Interest

Despite the remarkable growth of influencer marketing and the popularity of social media, marketers face a challenge – decreased consumer interest in newly emerged platforms. As new social media channels arise, the initial excitement and curiosity of users may lead to a temporary surge in usage. However, sustaining long-term engagement and interest proves to be more challenging. As highlighted in the McKinsey report, the influencer marketing economy has grown rapidly over the years, but brands must pay attention to shifts in consumer behaviour and adapt their strategies accordingly.


Building Strong Influencer-Follower Relationships

To tackle the issue of decreased consumer interest, it is crucial to build influencer-follower solid relationships. The University of Florida's research emphasizes the importance of influencer communities and relational factors in driving consumers' usage intent toward social commerce. Perceived enjoyment, interactivity, social support, identification, and usefulness are all significant predictors of consumer usage intent. By fostering genuine and engaging connections between influencers and their communities, brands can maintain interest and create lasting impact.


Innovative Content Creation

Another aspect that brands must consider in navigating the challenge of decreased consumer interest is innovative content creation. With the constant evolution of social media platforms, users' preferences and expectations are ever-changing. Brands and influencers must keep up with the latest trends and create fresh, engaging, and relevant content that resonates with their audience. This includes embracing new media formats such as short-form videos, interactive content, and virtual experiences to capture the attention of consumers.


Utilising Data Analytics and Market Insights

Data analytics and market insights play a pivotal role in understanding consumer behaviour and preferences. By leveraging data-driven insights, brands can gain a deeper understanding of their target audience, identify trends, and optimise their influencer marketing strategies. Social media platforms offer valuable data and analytics tools that can provide real-time feedback on content performance, audience engagement, and campaign effectiveness. Brands can use these insights to refine their messaging, tailor their content, and enhance their overall marketing approach.

Collaboration with Micro and Nano-Influencers

In the dynamic landscape of influencer marketing, collaborating with micro and nano-influencers has emerged as a highly effective strategy for brands to engage with their target audience authentically and efficiently. AdHub, a leading AI-powered influencer marketing platform, plays a crucial role in facilitating seamless partnerships between advertisers and influencers, specifically targeting the micro and nano-influencer segment.


The Power of Micro and Nano-Influencers

Micro-influencers typically have followers ranging from 1,000 to 100,000, while nano-influencers have even smaller but highly engaged audiences, often less than 1,000 followers. These influencers possess unique strengths in their niche areas, fostering strong connections and trust with their audience. Their intimate relationships with followers make their endorsements and recommendations more impactful, leading to higher engagement rates and conversion potentials.


AdHub's AI-Driven Approach

AdHub leverages advanced AI and data science to identify and connect brands with the most relevant micro and nano-influencers for their marketing campaigns. The platform's algorithm considers various crucial factors beyond follower count, such as audience demographics, interests, location, and previous brand partnerships. This data-driven approach ensures that brands can partner with influencers whose values and content resonate with their target market.


Seamless Collaboration and Efficient Campaigns

For advertisers and PR companies, AdHub streamlines the process of finding and collaborating with micro and nano-influencers. The platform's AI-powered talent recommendation engine curates a list of the most suitable influencers, significantly reducing the time and effort required for manual selection. Advertisers can easily search for specific influencer partnerships, considering factors like age, interests, niche, location, and previous brand affiliations, all within seconds.


Genuineness and Real Engagement

The use of AI also allows AdHub to detect potential influencer fraud, ensuring that brands collaborate with authentic influencers who have genuine, engaged audiences. This transparency and trust enable advertisers to make data-driven decisions and optimize their influencer marketing campaigns for the best possible results.


Empowering Content Creators

On the content creator side, AdHub provides a new home for monetisation. Influencers can select advertising campaigns that align with their channels and audience, streamlining the process of featuring brands that genuinely resonate with their content. The platform's AI-driven image and video creation tools simplify content creation, enabling influencers to focus on creativity while AdHub takes care of the backend logistics.


Combining Influencer Marketing with Traditional Marketing Strategies

While influencer marketing has proven to be a highly effective tool, it should not replace traditional marketing strategies entirely. Combining influencer marketing with other marketing channels, such as content marketing, social media advertising, and email marketing, can create a holistic approach to reach a wider audience. A cohesive marketing mix that leverages the strengths of various channels can amplify the impact of influencer marketing campaigns and ensure a comprehensive brand presence across platforms.

Addressing Platform-Specific Challenges

Each social media platform has its unique characteristics and challenges. Brands must be aware of the platform-specific dynamics and tailor their influencer marketing efforts accordingly. For example, short-form videos may perform exceptionally well on TikTok but may not be as effective on other platforms like LinkedIn. Brands should conduct thorough research and understand the preferences and behaviours of their target audience on each platform to maximize the impact of influencer marketing campaigns.


Emphasising Authenticity and Transparency

Authenticity and transparency are critical factors for successful influencer marketing campaigns. Consumers value genuine recommendations from influencers they trust. Brands should collaborate with influencers who align with their values and resonate with their target audience. Additionally, transparency in influencer partnerships, such as disclosure of sponsored content, fosters trust and credibility. Adhering to ethical practices in influencer marketing is essential to build and maintain strong relationships with consumers.



The rise and dawn of new social media platforms have revolutionised the landscape of influencer marketing, presenting brands with exciting opportunities to engage with their target audience. However, the challenge of decreased consumer interest in newly emerged platforms cannot be ignored. To ensure the continued success of influencer marketing campaigns, brands must focus on building strong relationships between influencers and their communities, fostering genuine connections, and adapting their strategies to address shifting consumer behaviour. By navigating these challenges thoughtfully and embracing innovative approaches, influencer marketing can continue to thrive and deliver impactful results in the evolving digital landscape.