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Navigating Meta's New Targeting Rules: Impact on Influencer Marketing and Strategies

Navigating Meta's New Targeting Rules: Impact on Influencer Marketing and Strategies


Meta's recent announcement regarding its new targeting rules in the EU, EEA, and Switzerland has left marketers pondering the future of their influencer marketing campaigns. This shift from "legitimate interest" to "consent" demands a comprehensive reevaluation of influencer marketing strategies. In this article, we'll explore the nuanced impact of Meta's new rules on influencer marketing and delve into practical strategies to thrive in this evolving landscape. We will also investigate how AdHub, a leading platform connecting advertisers with influencers on YouTube and Twitch, can serve as a valuable ally in dealing with the challenges of Meta's new targeting regulations.

Meta's Shift to Consent-Based Targeted Advertising

Until now, Meta had relied on the legal basis of "legitimate interest" under EU law to process users' data for personalised advertising purposes. However, regulatory rulings and pressures have prompted Meta to revise its stance. The company is now planning to shift from "legitimate interests" to obtaining users' "consent" for behavioural advertising in the specified regions.

This adjustment was partly driven by a ruling from Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner (DPC), which oversees Meta's operations in the EU. The change comes after a series of legal considerations that challenged Meta's ability to use user data without explicit consent for targeted advertising. As a result, Meta's new approach aims to align with the evolving landscape of data protection and privacy regulations.

Here, is when AdHub comes into play. Having a key role in the influencer marketing ecosystem, AdHub fosters connections between advertisers and content creators and emerges as a strategic ally in this evolving environment.

The Potential Impact on Marketers and Influencer Marketing

Meta's decision to seek users' consent before targeting them with personalised ads could have far-reaching implications for marketers and advertisers, particularly those involved in influencer marketing campaigns. 

Challenges in Audience Segmentation

With the shift to consent-based advertising, Meta may experience challenges in segmenting audiences for targeted ads. Marketers heavily rely on data-driven insights to identify their target audiences and personalise content effectively. If a substantial portion of users opt out of personalised ads, marketers could face difficulties in precisely defining their audience segments. AdHub's AI-powered platform can play a pivotal role in identifying precisely tailored audiences. The partnership with AdHub enhances the potential for targeting relevance, even as users make privacy-conscious decisions

Reduced Personalisation: 

Personalisation is a cornerstone of effective influencer marketing. Marketers collaborate with influencers who resonate with specific audience demographics and interests. A decrease in data availability for personalised targeting could lead to less precise influencer selection and reduced content relevance to the target audience.  Advertisers can benefit from AdHub's curated list of influencers, ensuring alignment with specific audience demographics and interests, even in a post-personalisation era.

Engagement and Trust-Based Strategies: 

Marketers will likely need to pivot from data-centric strategies to trust-based engagement. This transition mirrors classic marketing disciplines like segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Influencer partnerships could focus more on building authentic connections with audiences through relatable and meaningful content. In this instance, AdHub empowers advertisers to find influencers who resonate with their brand values, instilling trust among followers.

Adaptation of Content Strategies: 

Marketers may need to adapt their content strategies to appeal to broader audiences, given the potential limitations in targeting precision. Influencer collaborations could emphasise broader themes and universal messages to resonate with a wider range of users. AdHub's AI-driven algorithm identifies influencers capable of delivering narratives that resonate with a wide range of users, promoting engagement without sacrificing relevancy.

Creativity and Quality: 

Without highly tailored data-driven targeting, marketers may emphasise creativity and content quality to capture and retain audience attention. Influencers could play a crucial role in crafting compelling narratives and engaging visuals that transcend demographic boundaries. Advertisers partnering with AdHub-equipped influencers can leverage captivating narratives, visually striking content, and compelling stories that transcend demographic boundaries. AdHub's platform facilitates the creation of high-quality content that captures and retains audience attention.

Shift Toward Meaningful Metrics and Long-Term Brand Loyalty:

In the absence of hyper-targeted advertising, the focus will naturally shift from short-term engagement metrics to more meaningful and sustainable measures. Marketers will be compelled to prioritise brand loyalty, sentiment, and overall audience perception. This means campaigns will be evaluated not just based on immediate likes or clicks but on how well they resonate with the audience's values and contribute to a positive brand image.

Navigating the Transition: In-Depth Tips for Marketers

By embracing AdHub's offerings, marketers can strategically navigate this transformative period. Advertisers can rest assured that they have a reliable partner in AdHub, a platform that fosters authentic connections, optimises content strategies, emphasises quality, and adapts to the evolving regulatory landscape.


Embrace Trust-Based Collaboration:

With the shift away from data-centric strategies, emphasise building trust-based relationships with your audience. Influencer partnerships should centre around authenticity, transparency, and genuine connections. Consider collaborating with influencers who align with your brand's values and can foster a sense of trust among their followers.

Adapt Content Strategies:

Educate influencers about the changes and collaboratively adapt content strategies. Craft content that resonates with diverse audiences, focusing on narratives that can engage a broad spectrum of viewers. This approach ensures that your content remains relevant and engaging even in a less targeted environment.

Quality Over Quantity:

With reduced targeting precision, invest in creativity and content quality over quantity. Work with influencers to create captivating narratives, eye-catching visuals, and compelling stories that captivate a diverse audience. A focus on creativity can help your content stand out despite broader targeting.

Diversify Metrics:

In the absence of granular targeting data, consider exploring alternative metrics beyond traditional engagement to measure campaign success. Assess sentiment, brand perception, and long-term loyalty to gauge the effectiveness of influencer collaborations.

Blend Paid and Influencer Media:

Complement influencer content with well-targeted paid media campaigns. While the targeting options may be limited, strategic use of paid media can still help amplify your message to relevant audiences. This hybrid approach ensures broader exposure and leverages the influencer's organic reach.

Monitor Regulatory Updates:

Stay informed about any further regulatory updates or changes in Meta's approach to advertising in the EU. Adapting to evolving regulations ensures your campaigns remain compliant and effective.


Meta's targeting rules have set the stage for a transformative period in influencer marketing. Despite the evolving advertising ecosystem, influencer marketing remains a potent strategy when approached strategically and authentically. As marketers navigate challenges in audience segmentation, reduced personalisation, and engagement strategies, solutions like AdHub emerge as strategic allies. AdHub's AI-driven platform facilitates trust-based collaborations, adapts content strategies, and prioritises quality. By embracing AdHub's capabilities, marketers can strategically manoeuvre through this transformative period, ensuring their influencer campaigns remain effective and relevant. As the influencer marketing ecosystem evolves, AdHub empowers brands to connect with their audiences authentically and thrive in the new advertising era. By embracing trust-based engagement, revisiting influencer selection criteria, crafting universally resonant content, emphasising quality, leveraging influencer expertise, and adopting a blend of paid and influencer media, brands can navigate this transition effectively.